So since I have shared my goals for this year I thought I should update when I actually make a step towards them so, this week I joined the gym closest to us and have actually been four times since I signed up. This involves me getting up at 5:30am to drag myself out of bed and get there for the 5:50am classes. As a result I hurt but I am determined to look good for Bali.
Friends of our are heading off for a year to travel and work and since I am all creative at the moment I thought I would make another one of my passport pockets for them to take with them. I think the hardest thing about making your own pattern/design is that there isn’t a set of instructions for you to follow which makes it hard when its late at night and you are trying to recreate something you came up with on a whim. I had to unpick too many stiches to count but I have figured it all out now and have learnt my lesson - “Always write down instructions and take photos of each step” and from now on will post any designs I come up with on here for anyone who may wish to use them.
So onto this weeks project…
I love this time of year, the shops are full of stationery as parents get school supplies. Every year at this time I get new stationery for me to use for my uni studies. But this year is different, our eldest Michael starts Kindy this year so on Saturday we had a date to go get everything he needs for school including a trip to Spotlight so he could pick our material for me to make him a library bag. Which resulted in a couple of debates about which material he could choose from but we final picked 2 different patterned material which are very… interesting together but I think he must have known because the end result is actually quite cute, I think. What do you think?

It’s a little long at the moment, but anyone who knows Michael knows that by the end of the year it will probably be too short

It’s not the traditional type of library but, its a satchel and Michael loves it.
“Every day is an opportunity to be creative – the canvas is your mind, the brushes and colours are your thoughts and feelings, the panorama is your story, the complete picture is a work of art called, ‘my life’. Be careful what you put on the canvas of your mind today – it matters.” — Innerspace